Spirit is a liquor that is produced from the distillation process. Spirit beverages containing ethyl alcohol is mixed with quantities of up to 60 degrees (vol%) is treated in exactly the criteria that can be used for drinking. Alcohol is classified as a type of addictive substances. When drinking alcohol, it has accumulated to a certain degree when alcoholics stop drinking and then there will be a reaction of the body known as suffer from excessive bloody flux.
There are different types of liquor such as Brandy is made from a fermentation of grapes and then be distilled into liquor. Whiskey is made from rice or corn by fermenting and distilling to a higher degree. Gin is made from wheat or a flavor of the herb and juniper. Rum is a liquor that distilled from sugar cane or molasses. Vodka is made by the distillation of cereal grains or potatoes. Tequila is a white liquor that distilled from plants (mescal) and the last is Liqueur made from the distilled into liquor that has been flavored with fruit, herbs, flower or nuts.
So, I sometimes choose to drink whiskey because it is popular of alcohol and a taste is good.