วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2560

Blog 5

                                               Thai Food


Mini sandwiches fancy

     Sandwich small pieces Lovely shape Sandwiches made opposite each other and open sandwiches are delicious in their children with the filling put the sweet corn boiled cut into slices Carrot, blanched, diced small. And crab sticks cut into strips toss with salad cream corn flavor. Put cream or salad is delicious with rousong again.

steamed rice-skin dumplings Vietnamese stuffed with pork and shrimp
     Prepare onion, chopped onion, mix the flour, then add coconut milk and rice flour, water, salt,onion and oil and stir well to make a batter for steamed rice-skin dumplings. Put the pan with little oil fry garlic add pork and black mushroom, shrimp, mashed, fried, then put the cooked onion and mix well Spoon into a bowl to prepare the filling. Garnish with lettuce onion, cucumber, soy sprouts and raw pork.

Main Food

Tom Yam Kung
     Tom Yam Kung or spicy shrimp soup, is the number one of the top ten Thai dishes loved by foreigners, according to a recent investigation. And in fact, it is one of the most favorite dishes for Thai people as well. It is simply because it is so delicious for its unique sour and spicy taste that you will certainly need it more and more if you try it just once.

Green Curry Chicken
     Green Curry Chicken is the curry in Thailand. The consisting of meat, fish, chicken or pork and vegetables flavored with coconut milk, tomato sauce, sugar, lime leaves and basil. People eat with rice or noodles with curry paste.


Fruit Crepes
     Desserts can be made easily. The mixture is blended with flour crepes, juice, fruit sauce until combined and the batter then fried crepes and arranged decorated beautifully to eat.

Thai Mango Sticky Rice
      Almost everyone loves yellow mango with sticky rice. Adding to the deliciousness is a drizzle of coconut cream syrup. Usually located at many makeshift stands depending on mango availability.


Spirit is a liquor that is produced from the distillation process. Spirit beverages containing ethyl alcohol is mixed with quantities of up to 60 degrees (vol%) is treated in exactly the criteria that can be used for drinking. Alcohol is classified as a type of addictive substances. When drinking alcohol, it has accumulated to a certain degree when alcoholics stop drinking and then there will be a reaction of the body known as suffer from excessive bloody flux.
There are different types of liquor such as Brandy is made from a fermentation of grapes and then be distilled into liquor. Whiskey is made from rice or corn by fermenting and distilling to a higher degree. Gin is made from wheat or a flavor of the herb and juniper. Rum is a liquor that distilled from sugar cane or molasses. Vodka is made by the distillation of cereal grains or potatoes. Tequila is a white liquor that distilled from plants (mescal) and the last is Liqueur made from the distilled into liquor that has been flavored with fruit, herbs, flower or nuts.
So, I sometimes choose to drink whiskey because it is popular of alcohol and a taste is good.

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2560

blog 3

1. Work in front office in Hotel David in Florence, Italy.

Subject : Confirm of change booking

Dear Mrs Mary Tan,

Regarding your request to change the dates for booking room. A double and single room are available for 2 nights on 9th-11th of June. We have booked a parking space for you on 9th June at 6 p.m. to the morning of 11th June. We have also reserved a table for dinner on 9th June at 8.30 p.m. We look forward to seeing you on that day.

Your sincerely


2. Work in the Events Office of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, rue da la Roi 107, 1040 Brussels.

                                         Crowne Plaza Hotel, rue da la Roi 107, 1040 Brussels

Mr Piet van Derbilt
Amstel 140
1017 EZ

6 February 2017

Dear Mr Piet van Derbilt,

Regarding your enquiry about organizing a business lunch for 60 people on Friday 30th of May. We confirm that at the Grapevine restaurant is available for the party from 12-3 p.m. and buffet steak menus. I’m so sorry, we don’t have a car parking but  nearly the hotel it has a shopping mall it has a lot of space for parking there. We look forward to hearing you. So, we will provide you about a direction to the venue from the railway station by you can walk on The Zeedijk street go straight ahead and turn right go ahead until the corner of the Plaza Hotel. We look forward to hearing you.

Best Regards
